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Alhamdulillah... Syawal 2015 da sampai ke penghujungnyerr...
Setiap hari ada je invitation ke open house and jamuan raya...
Syukur sebab rezeki.. dapat makan free.. perut pon kenyang..
Bertambah rezeki.. seiring juga bertambahnyer berat badan dan lelemak ketupat rendang di badan..
From hour glass shape body to apple shape body.. or pear body figure...

Haaa sebut about figure body ni kan..
 Pernah tak tertanya2.. badan sendiri tu bentuk apa erk..
Disebabkan lelemak yang terselindung tu.. sampai diri pon tak tahu badan shape macam mana..
Syam pernah gak tengok cermin before nih.. Bentuk badan syam kayu body shape..
Ehhh!!!! ada ke kayu body shape???.. Rare sangat kan???!!!!
 Nasib baik lah sekarang syam da setia dengan PREMIUM BEAUTIFUL ELEGANCE. So da kenal bentuk badan sendiri da...

Plus pula.. kita ni tak tahu baju jenis macam mana yang sesuai dengan body shape kita..
Sebab lately nih.. ramai pula syam tengok ada yang terOVERCONFIDENT pakai baju..
Maybe dia minat baju tu but its really unsuit her..!!!! Kita tengok pon sakit mata..
Nak tegur serba salah la pula kan..
So syam nak share several cara pemakaian yang sesuai ikut body figure masing2..

Most figure-flattering piece of clothing on curvaceous women. If uolls memang badan da jenis curvy.. shaping da ada cantik.. perut flat.. Yang boleh dikatakan ukuran 36'24'36'... Memang sesuai nak pakai peplum yang biasa tu.. Memang just nice je pakai. Tapi.. jangan pakai peplum yang bertingkat2.. first, akan nampak serabut and bila nampak serabut.. figure shape akan nampak hips lagi besar and jatuh..
unless u pakai korset.. its okay. Contoh korset PREMIUM BEAUTIFUL ELEGANCE ke.. ok la!! Tapi kan bagi syam pakai peplum biasa pon da cukup lawa..macam nikan.. rangka besar ke.. hips jenis besar ke.. pakai peplum... sedap je mata memandang..

So bahagian flurry peplum tu akan tutup part hips yang besar.. Lagi nampak cantik pakai peplum labuh sikit flurry kain tu..just nice da! If pakai flurry pendek macam gambar ni and memang jenis rangka besar or hips besar.. better pakai korset PREMIUM BEAUTIFUL ELEGANCE.. So at least bagi UP sikit your hips..

Syam suka pakai maxi dress and begitu juga the most of uolls right?!!
Yela.. sebab senang.. no need cari seluar da.. sejuk.. and memang jadi trend fashion nowadays pakai dress2 ni kan.. ok.. maxi dress all shape boleh pakai..
cuma certain decoration on dress or pattern or design dress tu yang buat diri uolls rasa uolls tak sesuai pakai that dress...
If nak pakai dress.. better cari dress dari kain jenis yang loose, light fabrics such as cotton, rayon crepe, or silk chiffon. Ok.. untuk dress bercorak at least corak tu boleh cover tempat2 bermasalah. contoh dekat perut or peha.. (if ada benjolan2 lemak ke boleh cover).. Jangan pakai yang plain untuk yang berbadan besar or yang ada lelemak yang bersepah.. Jangan juga [pakai fabrics from lycra.. sebab its too obvious to show your fats.. Elakkan juga fabrics yang clingy such as nylon or spandex... pakai dress labuh mesti ukuran paras bawah buku lali.. Lebih sesuai di padankan dengan heels or wedges and if pakai belt.. pakai below rib cage.. untuk highlight hour glass shape.. if pakai PREMIUM BEAUTIFUL ELEGANCE lagi cantik and lawa sebab memang sarung jer shape confirm ada.. pakailah any dress. sesuai jerr...

Siapa suka pakai cropped tops???!!!! Sometimes syam pakai nihh bila pakai dengan high waist tak pon dengan full skirts labuh yang memang jenis high waist juga.. nak pakai cropped tops nih kena pakai yang terletak cantik je dekat your natural waist.. elakkan pakai lower cut jeans. nampak weird nanti plus elakkan tops yang terlalu ketat..
Boleh juga digayakan dengan cardigan, jacket or blazer. Nak lagi lengkap pakai PREMIUM BEAUTIFUL ELEGANCE dekat bahagian dalam...

Syam teringin sangat nak pakai jumpsuits nihh.. sekali pandang macam coverall la pula kan..
Ini juga boleh dikatakan as lady romper.. jenis fabrics pon ambil peranan.. For sleek look for moves with your body for look blends such as spandex.. fabrics ni memang sesuai sebab dia jenis just nice and follow if bergerak.. for structured look better gunakan fabrics denim. Awesome sangat!!! Tapi.. better jumpsuit ni custom made yang betul2 follow your natural body. Sebab tak ada la too obvious nampak pelik unless dengan PREMIUM BEAUTIFUL ELEGANCE.


Your have ample and voluptuous figure reminiscent of ancient goddesses.. Yang ni waist lebih nampak bigger than your bust and hips. Your face, neck and bust beautifully proportionate and your slender lower legs and amazing arms ancient your voluptuous assets.. 36'38'36'

Elongate your neckline supaya nampak ranggi with cowl, scoop, batteau and v-necks. Nampakkan waist uolls tinggi.. at peak empire waistlines, faux wrapped dresses, blouson style tops, princess scams, PREMIUM BEAUTIFUL ELEGANCE corset.. Accentuate your your lower half with lighter bottoms, flat-front pants, dropped waists and high slits.

Your stunning silhouette has many beautiful assets. Waist fuller than bust and hips. Your impecabbly proportionate face, neck, bust, balanced lower legs and arms accentuate your gorgeous frame. 34'36'38'

Show off your neckline with scoop, cowl, sweetheart, and v-neck tops. Better wear necklaces or scarf for highlights. Elongate your mid section by wearing faux wrap drpped silhouettes that are fitted around your bust and skim over your tummy. Kena pakai flat-front pants yang narrow, bootleg or straight leg, capris and leggings, show off your legs with high slits, straight, pencil, tiered, tulip and tramped skirts. Beautify and hightlights your upper with PREMIUM BEAUTIFUL ELEGANCE inside.

Obviously your curves striking and proportionate. You have clearly defined waistline, full hips and harmonious bust make you more beautiful and feminine curvature. 36'24'36'


Flatter your neckline with open collar, ruffles or softly draped details, fun assymmetrical cuts that expose your neckline. Accentuate your defined with belt, ties, pencil skirts, wrap dresses and detailed empire waistlines. Balanced the hips with flared, wide, bootleg pants and flared skirts. Maintain hour body glass shape with PREMIUM BEAUTIFUL ELEGANCE or far infrared corset..

You have magnificient, statuesques and very well proportioned figure.. Yang ni your bust if fuller, your waist narrow and sometimes your hips narrow than waist and have longer legs. 38'34'32'
Elongate your neckline with V-neck. u-neck, deep scoop and shawl collar. Flatter your ample bust with sweetheart bodices and faux and true wrap styles. Balance kan your upper dengan darker tops with lighter pants or skirts. Show off your curves with form-fitting silhouettes, pencil skirt, wrap, fitted tops and belted dresses and A-line skirts. Balance shape by wear PREMIUM BEAUTIFUL ELEGANCE corset.

Your gorgeous body silhouette is both your curvaceous and voluptuous. Your shoulders and hips line up beautifully with your overall silhouette and your voluptuous clavage is your great assets. The definition in waist is visible and creates look of curvature. 34'32'38'

Enhance your upper with assymmetrical cuts, open collar, v-necks, sweethearts neckline and details such as softly draped necklines. Accentuate your curvature with wide belts, empire waist silhouette (or PREMIUM BEAUTIFUL ELEGANCE WAIST inside), and waist-crinching wrap around or faux wrap silhouette. Balance dengan memakai bottoms yang deeper and darker in colour, A-line flared skirts or wider leg pants.

Your exquisite frame has exceptional balance. You have proportionate hips, balanced thights, shapely legs,  slightly fuller arms, and a body frame perfectly in line with all body parts.. 36'34'36'

Neckline : sweetheart, v-necks, crew, assymmetric, barteau, jewel and cowl neck. Pakai la baju yang boleh nampak curvy sikit, tops with bust frills, ruching, front panel details and pleating. For the curve, wear something macam corset (PREMIUM BEAUTIFUL ELEGANCE) for inside or for outside macam belts and cinchers, and wear fuller, bix, crystal pleated, or pencil skirts. harmonize your silhouette by wearing narrow, straight, or slightly flared leg pants. Jangan lupa put some colours on your bottom.. for highlights!

Your many great assets include bust and upper body, being relatively smaller than your hips and a defined waistline creates a distinct curvature accented by for your pronounced lower half. 32'34'38'

Visually extend your shoulders and neck by wearing scoops, batteau, sweetheart, jewel, and v-necks. Accentuate the bust area with pleats, ruffles or extra details, fitted bodices and tops, curvy your waist with belts, cinchers, waist of PREMIUM BEAUTIFUL ELEGANCE, and empire silhouette. You patot pakai pencil skirts and be confident! Uolls pon nampak cantik lagi if uolls pakai A-line dresses, wrap around dresses, and flared skirts. Always look great if elongate legs with wide leg trousers, or flared jeans to balance your tops and bottoms proportion!

Haaaa.. soo sekarang da nampak dengan jelas da bentuk badan uolls jenis macam mana..
What figure are yours?????
Da tahu da nak pakai apa... Yang sesuai dengan bentuk badan uolls???!
So lepas ni boleh pergi shopping baju2 yang sesuai dengan body kita.. Lepas nihhh lebih confident lah nak buat #ootd kan rather than #selfie.... Hehehe...

Haa if nak syam service FREE for PREMIUM BEAUTIFUL or nak try saja PREMIUM BEAUTIFUL ELEGANCE free sahaja.. boleh contact syam 01110639385..

Nak belanja OOTD sikit dengan PREMIUM BEAUTIFUL CORSET!!!!

Mohon share for the tips.. Also boleh komen di bawah!!!! Thanks and bertemu di next entry ok!!!
