TOPLEADERSCIRCLE : Salha Zain Birthday Party at LV Boutique ~ Sina Shaari

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TOPLEADERSCIRCLE : Salha Zain Birthday Party at LV Boutique


29 OKTOBER 2015!!!!
Its birthday of our lovely top, hot and gorgeous mom in TOPLEADERSCIRCLE..
Kak Salha Zain!!!!!
Ya Allah!!! Excited sangat almaklumlah dapat VVIP special invitation ke Private Party macam ni. Me as a housewife of course la teruja lagi2 bila private event ni di buat di LV Boutique Gardens Mall!! With the theme of PINK BLACK GLAM!!! Sangat excited ok!!!
For syam, ini for the first time syam jejak kaki masuk ke Butik yang superb and exclusive macam ni..
Haa before ni.. Kalau lalu depan Butik macam LV ni nak pandang pon serba salah apatah lagi nak menjeling.. But this time ITS REAL!!!

Masuk je of course di sambut dengan abang superb handsome and smart untuk ke private showroom of LV Boutique.. Memang nervous!! Hahahahaa.. Feeling orang kaya tau!!
Masuk je dalam LV Boutique terus snap picture banyak2 and paling best weolls di beri kebenaran untuk touch, hug and hold any LV Handbag yang ada dalam LV Room tu.. Oh my!!!!
Of course la syam akan grab ALMA LV HANDBAG ni!!!
Da pegang memang tak lepas.. Sebab syam memang mengidam ALMA LV..

 Tadaaaaa... Sempat selfie ok!!!

Nampak tak TLCians yang lain macam mana..
Sementara tunggu ketibaan Birthday Girl..
Terus la usha2 barang2 LV yang lain..



 Scarfs and Accessories

 Melaram dengan my ALMA.. Yela.. Orang kata.. If kita betul2 nak kan sesuatu.. Kita kena touch it.. Feel it.. Think about it.. Show it..!

 Shoes, purse, necklace and bangle pon ada.. Special edition ok!

 Super cute clutch ni memang elegance, special edition and very exclusive.. Worth almost RM20k.. Very precious for very grand dinner!!! 

 TLC Master Trainers already booked their own LV...
Senyuman satisfied!!! Aummm!!!

And.. back to the main of the event..
We have surprise Kak Salha bila Kak Salha with her husband Abang Al-Faath sampai dalam LV Room.. Kak Salha sangat cantik.. gorgeous.. hot.. stylo and vogue...
At this moment, she soo surprised!!!!!! 

At this moment.. Syam pula yang rasa deep in heart!!!
Macam buat birthday party for my own mom..
Kak Salha ni Syam memang da anggap macam 2nd mom..

HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAK SALHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Too many activities had done..
Snap pictures with Kak Salha.. Show of LV Scarf and handbags.. Eating several sweet yums tums and birthday cake!!!

Abang sado pon nak melaram dengan LV belt, wallet and sunglasses masing2!!!


Of course...Paling dinantikan... Present for Birthday Girl..
Kak Salha memang sangat2 surprised!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Terus minta Kak Salha open the present depan semua!!!!!
Syam time ni pon excited!!!!!!

Guess what the present?!!!!


LV Silk Scarf Black colour for her!!!!

Very suit on Kak Salha!! 
Kak Salha sangat suka collects Scarf that is why we decided to give her scarf from LV!

At the end.. We end up bergambar beramai2 di depan LV Boutique.. 
You know how I feel?!!!
Kalau sorang2 memang tak dapat la nak ambil gambar depan LV Boutique..

Thanks TLC!!!! Give me this opportunity for experience of feeling orang kaya!!!!
And many more private event after this from TOPLEADERSCIRCLE!!!
We build a family in a business.. So the business such a happy life!!!

Belanja satu dua gambar from me..

Which LV do you want?!!!

Jika uolls nak experiences macam ni.. nak rasa nikmat berniaga..
Hanya di TLC tempatnya..!!

Any details boleh komen di bawah or directly whatsapp me at..

Nur Syamsina

Wait for the Upcoming Event!!! Yayyy!!!!!

